Muay Thai is a stand up art

Muay Thai is a martial art that comes from Thailand and it is one of the most popular combat sports today. It is interesting that there are few other martial arts from Thailand like Krabi-krabong, Thaiplum and Lerdrit, but the fact is that Muay Thai or Thai boxing is the most popular one.

It took several centuries before Muay Thai got the form that it has now. It started as a practical fighting technique in real warfare, but in the past two centuries it slowly became a sport that is viewed by thousands of people around the globe today. This sport is now part of many celebrations and festivals all over Thailand. Muay Thai is practiced on many multi-sport competitions.


Muay Thai is a stand up art designed for ring fighting and uses feet, fists, knees and elbows. That’s why it is also known as the art and science of eight weapons/limbs. Although Muay Thai practitioners were well-aware of the health benefits that this sport brings, the scientists have managed to prove that in the past few years. One of the first things they have noticed is that Muay Thai speeds up the metabolism and burns calories very fast. Even after 8 hours from the moment the training class is finished the metabolism is still working in an accelerated mode. This sport also promotes motor coordination. What is interesting is that Muay Thai is affecting the mental health in a positive way too. In other words, this is a complete fitness activity.

Muay Thai training takes place in special Muay Thai camps. Although it is common to see Muay Thai fighters training in a camp, most people there are taking recreational fitness classes. Trainers are offering their services every day and they are experienced enough to work with different categories of people. Most camps accept women as members and they usually have special training classes for them.

Muay Thai is a martial art sports with great health benefits because of the high intensity training. That’s why it often used on fitness classes around the world. If you want to feel all the benefits and have a good time in a foreign country then joining a Muay Thai camp in Thailand is the best option.



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